Google Maps Geocoding API

Google Maps Geocoding API


The Google Maps Geocoding API

Request URL

enum ouput {
    case json
    case xml
} json recommended ## Geocoding ### Required parameters - `address`
or `components`: also accepted as optional when address supplied - `key`
Application API key

Optional parameters

  • bounds
  • language
  • region
  • components



    json:{ results: [address_components],
            status: StatusCodes
    enum StatusCode: String {
            case OK = "OK"
            case ZERO_RESULTS
            case OVER_QUERY_LIMIT
            case REQUEST_DENIED
            case INVALID_REQUEST
            case UNKNOW_ERROR

Reverse Geocoding

Required parameters

latlng :tuple Double, Double or place_id

Optional parameters

  • key Application API key
  • language supported: zh-CN
  • result_type One or more address types, separated by a pipe (|). Examples of address types: country, street_address, postal_code. supported: Note: This parameter is available only for requests that include an API key or a client ID.
  • location_type One or more location types, separated by a pipe (|). Specifying a type will restrict the results to this type. If multiple types are specified, the API will return all addresses that match any of the types. Note: This parameter is available only for requests that include an API key or a client ID. The following values are supported:
    • “ROOFTOP” restricts the results to addresses for which we have location information accurate down to street address precision.
    • “RANGE_INTERPOLATED” restricts the results to those that reflect an approximation (usually on a road) interpolated between two precise points (such as intersections). An interpolated range generally indicates that rooftop geocodes are unavailable for a street address.
    • “GEOMETRIC_CENTER” restricts the results to geometric centers of a location such as a polyline (for example, a street) or polygon (region).
    • “APPROXIMATE” restricts the results to those that are characterized as approximate.



    json:{ results: [address_components],
            status: StatusCodes
    enum StatusCode: String {
            case OK = "OK"
            case ZERO_RESULTS
            case OVER_QUERY_LIMIT
            case REQUEST_DENIED
            case INVALID_REQUEST
            case UNKNOW_ERROR
    } ## Limit - 2500 requests/day   - 10 requests/second

Published under (CC) BY-NC-SA in categories Google Maps  tagged with Google Maps, Geocoding, Reverse GeoCoding